Sometimes you and your partner don’t agree on every decision. That’s completely normal. If you’re trying to convince your husband to have a photoshoot during your trip to Punta Cana, but he’s not into you, you’re not alone!
Everyone’s different and we have priorities that sometimes don’t align with our loved ones. We all have our own ideas for how to have fun. But what if you’re just dying to have a photoshoot during your trip and your hubby isn’t into it? If a photoshoot really means a lot to you and he doesn’t see it that way, these quick tips will help you convince your husband to have a photoshoot!
Local photographers know their way around
Going on a vacation abroad means you will be exploring new environments. And that, of course, implies you don’t know your way around! The sights are beautiful, the lighting is just right, but you have no idea where the pictures would look best or when to visit the correct spot.
Well, a local photographer has you covered! They know the ins and out of the city, the hidden gems, and they have tons of experience in each place. They know the best places to go and where to get the most amazing photos. Hiring them for your session will be a double reward, because you’ll get excellent pictures with expertise and some recommendations for your vacations!
So not only will you be able to convince your husband to do a photoshoot by offering up an amazing experience, you’ll also be able to meet a new friend.

Convince your husband to have a photoshoot for the experience
Photoshoots are an experience. There’s no denying it. You get to go to a new place and have some fun. But that’s only half the reward since you’ll also get amazing photographs out of the deal!
You can take it as an opportunity to do something special with the two of you. Something that you won’t ever forget! Make your trip memorable by going out of your way to enjoy life and celebrate the moment with a wonderful photoshoot!
Do it for the memories
The memories you will build from a couple’s photoshoot in Punta Cana are worth way more than any amount you may spend on one. Although don’t worry, a photoshoot isn’t as expensive as you’d expect. The memories are one of the most important aspects of a photoshoot!
These pictures will be with you forever to remind you of the good old days, no matter how much time passes. Why don’t you tell your husband that you’re trying to have something to remember these amazing days by? It’s a vacation, you’ll have the time of your life, and you don’t want to remember it? Nonsense!

Convince your husband to have a photoshoot because there’s nothing quite like it!
You probably already know what to expect on your trip to the Dominican Republic. Wonderful views, amazing beaches, relaxing resorts. You’re right! There’s comfort in doing things that you love. But why don’t you try doing something new and different?
Take a trip off the resort and explore some place new. Laugh. Play together. And enjoy a romantic moment for the two of you. Doesn’t that sound magical?
There’s nothing that can compare to this experience. Tell your husband that you want to give it a go, even if it’s just once, to see what it’s like! He needs to try it to know if he’ll enjoy it or not. The key to good vacations is to keep doing fun things to make them interesting!
Explain what a couple’s photoshoot means to you
As I said before, we all have different priorities and expectations from a vacation. Maybe if your husband doesn’t agree to a photoshoot at first, it’s because he’s not seeing it the same way you do…
To him, it might just be another picture among the many others you could take on your phone. But that’s not it. To you, this is a bonding experience and an opportunity to have a little memory of your trip together. If you explain it to him like that, he might just see it as more than a frivolous expense and he’ll try to take it as seriously as you do!

Or maybe, compromise instead of only trying to convince your husband to have a photoshoot
In a relationship, you have to compromise sometimes, and this is completely normal. Sitting down and having a conversation about your expectations can help you weed out any issues about decisions like these so you can be on the same page as your spouse!
Maybe his hesitation comes from the economic side, or maybe he doesn’t think you’ll have the time to do other things he likes. Whatever it is, talk about it with him and come to an agreement you two are happy with!

After all, a photoshoot together is fun!
Trust me, it is. Goofing around to try and make good pictures, exploring different parts of the island, going to new places, and having all that time for the two of you – all of this and more during a photoshoot! If he isn’t convinced by any other argument, tell him that it’s just for fun.
You’re trying to make the most out of your vacation, so give it your best. Some people say photoshoots are unnecessary, but they’ve clearly never been to a good one!
Whatever your reasons might be, your husband will come around eventually. It might take a little convincing, but when he goes through the experience he’ll be much easier to convince for the next one! Not just because it’s gonna be exciting and new, but because you’ll have made many beautiful pictures and memories to show off years later, he’ll want to do it again!