You’re graduating soon, and it’s a really exciting time in your life! So many new and interesting things are coming your way, your life will take a new direction, and you’re likely moving away! With so many changes in your life, you have to celebrate for sure! But is a senior photoshoot appropriate? In case you haven’t made up your mind, this article should clear things up for you!

Why should you have a senior photoshoot?
When your graduation approaches, chances are you’re going to be on a yearbook or your friends will organize some sort of activity to remember your time together and take some pictures. Those are all fine and will give you important mementos that you can carry all your life! But is that the definitive, one and only way you want to look back at these years?
Your school’s yearbook is very staged, let’s not lie to ourselves. Everyone has a similar pose, maybe even wearing the same clothes, and in a portrait-style frame that hardly flatters most people. While this does leave a written record of your memories, it doesn’t capture who you are or your essence! It’s just another picture that you won’t even remember taking, with a simple smile and a quote below.
On the other hand, taking some pictures with your friends will be liberating and fun! You can hang out like you’ve done all these years, look back at your fun times together, share some nostalgia and sappy goodbyes. All is well, wonderful, and sweet. But the focus of these pictures won’t be on you and your change as a person. It’ll be more about your relationships, and while that’s an important element you shouldn’t neglect, you may never cross paths with them ever again. They don’t define you or who you are, only you can!
So the biggest reason why you should have your own photoshoot is to have something for yourself, and only yourself. It’ll highlight how you’ve grown over the years and how your identity has morphed. You won’t be the same teenager that started some years back, disoriented and scared but eager to prove your worth! No, now you’re a fully formed person, and it’s time you told the world. You’ll highlight your individuality, and everything will be under your control. The clothing, staging, scenario, props; it doesn’t matter what you want to include, it’s all about you.
Think of all the places you could go for your photoshoot! Let’s not stray too far from the subject and take a look at Punta Cana. Why don’t you use your spring break as an opportunity to enjoy our beaches and take some perfect, memorable pictures? Besides, the photoshoot can very well be what sends you on a tropical vacation to Macao Beach or some other beautiful location. Isn’t that great?
And you’re celebrating your graduation! You’re allowed to be a bit self-indulgent! Treat yourself with the photoshoot just because you feel like it. Who’s stopping you? Nothing wrong with a little fashion and glam. Besides, you can show off how great you look!

And why shouldn’t you do a senior photoshoot?
Well, very few reasons. If you don’t want to spend the time and energy it takes to run a photoshoot, technology allows you to give yourself the personalized attention you want. Bear in mind that for the best possible results you should hire a photographer, but it’s entirely possible to get this done on your own!
Another point why you wouldn’t want to have a photoshoot is the cost. Senior photoshoots are cheaper than most other kinds, but you’ll still be paying a fee that covers your photographer’s equipment, their expertise, and any further editing that needs to be done. The cost is there to ensure the photo’s quality, basically, and it might not be convenient economically for you.
Finally, you might think it’s pointless. That’s fine too! Photoshoots aren’t for everyone, and that’s fine. A photoshoot simply allows a special look into your life, a little detail that otherwise would be skipped over, but it is by no means the central part of the experience. Your graduation can still happen whether the photoshoot interests you or not! Just know the reasons why you would or wouldn’t want to have it.

No matter what your decision is, in the end, it has to be the one that makes you happy. Treat yourself whenever you feel like you deserve it! Everyone can get a little love from time to time! But don’t forget to be responsible with your time and money, as making rash decisions only leads to regrets. The options are there for you, you just need to pursue them!