Pictures are such a joy! They’re physical copies of your memories and you can revisit them anytime. It’s so nice to look at them years from now and remember the good old days! But chances are that if you’ve seen some photos, you’ll catch onto a pattern. Why don’t you try to break away from it a little? Do something fun, extravagant, new! And just to get you started let me show you my favorite extravagant ideas for your photoshoot.

Add a horse
Hah, didn’t see that coming, did you! Yes, you can add a horse to your photo session in Punta Cana. If you’re an animal lover or just the kind of person who likes things a little extra, give this a go! Horses are beautiful and reasonably easy to handle, so you won’t have trouble adapting to this. You’ll have a handler close by, of course, so things can’t get out of control. Maybe it adds another cost to your session, but hey, what’s a little money for some awesome pictures!

Trash the dress
Is your photoshoot for your wedding? Or maybe for your engagement? Maybe you don’t even have a theme, but you just want to go wild! No matter the reason, you might want to give your dress a little dip in the sea. Go ahead! Jump on in! This is one of my favorite ideas for your photoshoot. It’s an unconventional, unexpected way to say goodbye to the old “you” and welcome something new! Besides, everyone wants to be a little destructive every once in a while. You can do much more than just swimming during the shoot, too. Play in the sand. Dance around. Rip your dress apart if you’re feeling extra destructive. The options are limitless!
Don’t pose
When you think of pictures and photo sessions you’re probably imagining yourself posing most of the time. And it’s true… Most of the time you’ll be told to pose a certain way and smile. But hear me out! What if you just stop posing and play around a little? Just do your thing! Talk, chat, have fun with your friends and family while the photographer does their thing. You’ll get pictures of the moment, a true and sincere smile, and you’ll let your personality shine through! This idea is particularly good if you have kids involved. They don’t really like to be told what to do, so allowing them to run around and get dirty will get you beautiful pictures that you wouldn’t get any other way!

Wear a statement piece
We all know and love those traditional, quiet family photoshoots, or maybe those cute engagement pictures everyone is posting online! But they can be very simple, don’t you think? So here are a couple of good ideas for your photoshoot. Live a little! Try a fun pattern or wear something big, flamboyant, and colorful! It can be just about anything but have some fun with it. Maybe it’s a sentimental piece, or something you don’t get to wear often. Maybe it was handed to you by someone you love, or maybe you just like it! Whatever the reason, a session is the right time and place to get creative with your wardrobe. Just don’t wear something heavy at the beach, it’s all I ask!

Use fun props
Who doesn’t like a good prop? You will be very beautiful in your pictures, no doubt, but why not bring something else? Props are very adaptable and can suit all kind of photoshoots. Family sessions can have blankets, towels, toys or anything the kids like; couple photo sessions can include wine, flower petals, or something shiny! It depends on what you like, but never hesitate to bring your own props. The photographer will have the final say in what looks good and what doesn’t quite fit, but hey, you miss every shot you don’t take!
Extravagant ideas for your photoshoot
So those are some of my favorite ideas to do at a fun photoshoot that looks a little different than all the rest! Trust me, I have experience. Everyone will look twice when they see the horse at the beach, and positive comments will rain on you when they see your statement piece! Everything is valid. It’s your photo session, after all! Make it personal and fun!